

A combination of all skills in one area

  • Index.html
  • Band

    Use of meta data, and learning how to insert a break bar, and finally image inserts

  • Band Page
  • Classes

    Improving Linking skills

  • Classes
  • l4

    Coding a Variety of Lists

  • l4 page
  • l5

    Coding and Styling Images.

  • l5 page
  • l6

    Coding Links, including internal, external, and image linking.

  • l6 Page
  • style sheet

    This is were all of my code for the majority of my webpages are kept it.

  • Style Sheet
  • l8

    Coding Divs and making and image or art work

  • l8.html
  • l9

    Styling divs and sizing according to the formtat of the page

  • l9.html
  • Team Site

    My own website About a team that I like. learned links and divs.

  • Team Site
  • Finals

    A combination of everthing we've learned this year?/!!

  • Final Site