A picture of a piece of paper that has the word blog on it.

About Ariel

I am taking several interesting classes this year. They include web design, Latin, AP world history, biology, and Algebra II. I am really enjoying my first year of high school, and hope I can be just as successful, if not more, through out the rest of my education.

My Experience With Web Design

I started learning web design towards the end of July. I aced web design 1 and I am currently enrolled in web design 2. I enjoy coding and I think it is a useful skill to have.

"What separates design from art is that design is meant to be functional."
-Cameron Moll
A picture of a desk that has a laptop, glasses, a plant, and a book on it


I am only in my first year of Latin right now, but I plan to take the other three classes within the next four years. I know that many people think Latin is useless because no one speaks it anymore. Although this is true, over 60% of english words derive from Latin, That means learning this so-called, "dead language," could help you learn more about your own language.

Algebra II

Even if it were not required to take this class to graduate, I would still choose to. I really enjoy algebra, especially quadratics and simplifying radicals. I have already taken geometry and algebra I, and I am looking forward to the rest of the math classes I can take before I graduate.

World History

I have always been interested in history, so it's no surprise that I chose to take this class. I really enjoy learning about how the world has changed and how we got to where we are today. I especially enjoy learning about the classical era. This was the time of the Romans, the Phoenicians, and the Qin and Han dynasties of China.

Web Design

As you probably already know, I am a web design student. I am taking my second semester of web design and currently acing the class. I love having the ability to type something in and knowing how it will affect my web page.


Later in my life, I plan on getting a job in the medical field. Because of this, biology has been my favorite classes this year. I think it is fascinating to learn how living things work, from what they need to live to what happens to them at a molecular level.